You’ll be able to choose from several different types of cremation services in Rialto, CA. Discover more about each of them so that you can pick the right one.
Is your family on the verge of planning cremation services in Rialto, CA for a loved one? If you are, you might be surprised to learn that there are quite a few different types of cremation services that you can select for them. It’ll be up to you to choose the right cremation services after you take the time to learn more about each of your options. Check out details on the different types of cremation services below.
Most families like to hold some kind of funeral or other celebration either before or after their loved one’s Rialto, CA cremations. But if you don’t want to do this, you don’t have to. You can instead hold what is called a direct cremation for a loved one. This type of cremation will involve a funeral home cremating your loved one without any pomp and circumstance. You’ll be able to have them conduct a cremation for a loved one quickly and for the most affordable price possible.
Although you don’t necessarily need to celebrate a loved one’s life before or after their cremation, you should try to do it if at all possible. It’ll give you an opportunity to say goodbye to your loved one so that you can make peace with their loss. You can actually go as far as to hold the same kind of traditional funeral that you would hold for someone who was set to be buried. It’s a fantastic option to have for those who want to keep things the same as they would be when burying a loved one.
If your family would prefer to cremate a loved one before celebrating their life, this is an option that they’ll have. They can cremate their loved ones through a funeral home and then have a memorial service for them sometime after it. In some instances, families will choose to hold memorial services in the immediate aftermath of a loved one’s cremation. But your family can also choose to wait a few days, weeks, or even months to have a memorial service for a loved one following their cremation.
More and more families are beginning to kick around the idea of holding celebrations of life for their loved ones. Unlike traditional funerals and memorial services that tend to be on the sadder side, celebrations of life are festive events that will allow families to truly celebrate the lives that their loved ones led. These celebrations of life sometimes include everything from good food to music, and they’re often held in the weeks after a person’s cremation. It’s one more option that you and your family will have when you’re cremating a loved one.
Would you like to discover more about the different Rialto, CA cremation packages that your family can choose from? Our funeral home can break them down for you and assist you in selecting the right option. Give us a call today to get more information on the different types of cremation services.